This is National Happiness-Happens Month. Especially now, we have to be intentional about protecting our mental health and supporting others to boost their well-being and ours.
The World Health Organization reports that COVID-19 has been followed by a 25% increase in anxiety and depression around the world. They cite loneliness and isolation as a primary contributing factor. If you are a person who has been experiencing increased anxiety or depression over the past three years, here are three things you can do to help,
- Invite a small group of friends over for dinner and then plan to meet weekly,
- Take a long walk every day,
- Write three thank you cards each week.
Your feelings of fear and worry may begin to get crowded out by feelings of encouragement–and that’s a good thing! It’s more important than ever to consider how to experience and share encouragement, support, and happiness.
Famous psychiatrist and Nazi Concentration Camp survivor Victor Frankl wrote:
"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread."
There is a lot of research that affirms that when we focus on helping others, especially when we help others that need our help, we increase feelings of well-being and happiness. As you plan your strategy for managing your mental health, make sure you add helping others to the list.